
Portfolio website Redhood

Project description

Graphic Studio Company had an issue with their website loading slowly and visitors not being able to get the information they needed. Upon auditing the site, we found that the existing website was poorly designed technically, with their portfolio being downloaded all at once in high quality. Additionally, there was no contact form, and the company was still using a public gmail provider for emails. To remedy the situation, we implemented a series of changes to improve the speed and usability of the website. We optimized the portfolio to be downloaded in smaller chunks, implemented a contact form, and migrated the company's emails to a private server. After these changes were made, the website loading time was greatly improved and users were able to find the information they needed quickly.


  • Preparing graphic design of desktop and mobile view for approval.
  • Preparing website texts in cooperation with copywriter.
  • Beginning of front-end coding and back-end development.
  • Adjusting and redesigning of admin panel for web management.
  • Redhood owns a lot of visual materials and they were able to add own custom illustrations.
  • Creation of Google business account for SEO improvement.
  • Configuration of domain and custom company mailbox for all employees.
  • Hosting and website testing + delivery.